The events of Monday, April 15th at the Boston Marathon were both tragic and scary. While I was not at the event, I did know people running in it. Also, the EnergyBits team was at the race handing out samples. While I knew that the team was in Wellesley, a ways from the finish line, it was still difficult to know how close all this was striking. It certainly put into perspective how fast everything can change. With a company built on social media, some of the first news reports that I saw about Monday were through EnergyBits. They posted information is a simple way. The posts were no longer looking to sell anything, but help in any way possible. While our company was not alone in this, it was impressive to see just how quickly and effectively messages can be passed along. It was, and still is, a difficult event to understand. However, the courage and leadership shown by Catharine was helpful and encouraging. We have a powerful impact on the social media world, and while it can seem fleeting, it can make big change happen fast. The message of strength and endurance was a message about Boston. EnergyBits will continue to be at races around the country and we will be at the marathon again next year.

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