In the last post I introduced the new and exciting running project and the fact that I was working on the month of March. I mentioned that this was a MASSIVE undertaking and I may have under-estimated just how much work this project entails. After spending some serious hours compiling I slowly came to the conclusion that there was little chance I would be able to complete the work by the end of this week. I could work 8 hours a day for the next week and I still would not have the whole picture completed for March. Unfortunately I don't have that much time to devote to the mentorship process over the next week.

If there is one thing that I struggle to do, it is ask for help when I am feeling overwhelmed. I usually over compensate by working harder and longer, a trait that has gotten me to where I am now. I hate the feeling of asking for help, because I sometimes view it as not being good enough but I have learned a lot through asking and I have found that I get more done by working with a team. So, a quick email to Catharine and we redistributed the month of March to hopefully get everything done. I am fighting the feelings of not being good enough, with knowing that the work needs to get done. Ultimately I think I made a good decision to ask for help and I have to continue to communicate if I feel I need help. I know intellectually that a team is better than an individual, but it is something that is engrained in me that I need to actively work to overcome.

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    This is a running record of my mentorship experience.

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